Biosphärenpark Nockberge

Over a surface area of 184.3 km² the Park extends across gentle, rounded mountain tops, alpine pastures and woodland.

It provides a living space for humans, flora and fauna. Find out more about the valuable cultural and natural landscape, the traditions, legends and peculiarities of the Nockberge mountains. Its huge stars in the world of the plants and animals – and its small ones. There is always a wide range of adventure offers, on-site in the Nockberge Bioshhere Reserve, letting you (once again) fully appreciate your relationship with nature. We look forward to getting feedback from you and to your holiday adventures in the Nockberge mountains!

Franz Gerdl; Kärnten Werbung
Naturerlebnis Kärnten Bad Kleinkirchheim Sommer 2012

Franz Gerdl; Kärnten Werbung
Naturerlebnis Kärnten Bad Kleinkirchheim Sommer 2012

Franz Gerdl; Kärnten Werbung
Naturerlebnis Kärnten Bad Kleinkirchheim Sommer 2012

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Kärntner Nockberge

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Biosphärenpark Kärntner Nockberge
Ebene Reichenau 117
9565 Ebene Reichenau
Tel.: +43 4275  665

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